About this page
This is not an introduction to argparse. All we have here is a bunch of recipes that make argparse behave in desired ways. I hope to cover the most commonly used command-line actions.
The “main” program
All the recipes below are assumed to be invoked like this:
Recipe 01:
Optional flag --kill
Recipe in action:
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py -h
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] [--kill]
argparse recipe book
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--kill Die, die, die!!!
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --kill
Recipe 02:
--repeat <count>
--repeat is optional; if given, <count> is compulsory
Recipe in action:
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] [--repeat <n>]
argparse recipe book
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--repeat <n>
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --repeat
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] [--repeat <n>]
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: argument --repeat: expected one argument
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --repeat 10
Recipe 03:
Same as recipe_02, but better help
Recipe in action:
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] [--repeat <n>]
argparse recipe book
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--repeat <n> how many repeats
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --repeat
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] [--repeat <n>]
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: argument --repeat: expected one argument
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --repeat 10
Recipe 04:
--out <filename>
Compulsory argument (i.e. --out is compulsory, and a filename must follow it)
Recipe in action:
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] --out <file name>
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: the following arguments are required: --out
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] --out <file name>
argparse recipe book
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--out <file name> where to write
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --out
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] --out <file name>
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: argument --out: expected one argument
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --out foobar
Recipe 05:
One compulsory argument without any switches
Recipe in action:
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] <input-file>
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: the following arguments are required: <input-file>
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] <input-file>
argparse recipe book
positional arguments:
<input-file> file containing input
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py foobar
input file is "foobar"
Recipe 06:
Zero or more arguments without any switches
(See recipe_07 for better-looking help text)
Recipe in action:
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] [pcaps [pcaps ...]]
argparse recipe book
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py alpha
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py alpha beta gamma delta epsilon
Recipe 07:
Same as recipe_06, but with a better-looking help text
[<pcap-1> <pcap-2> ...]
Zero or more arguments without any switches
Recipe in action:
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] [<pcap-file> [<pcap-file> ...]]
argparse recipe book
positional arguments:
<pcap-file> input pcap file for streams
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py mercury venus earth mars
Recipe 08:
<pcap-1> [<pcap-2> ...]
One or more arguments without any switches
Recipe in action:
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] <pcap-file> [<pcap-file> ...]
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: the following arguments are required: <pcap-file>
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] <pcap-file> [<pcap-file> ...]
argparse recipe book
positional arguments:
<pcap-file> input pcap file for streams
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py japan
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py japan korea china
Recipe 09:
Optional switch --colors
If given, at least one arg must be provided, possibly more
Recipe in action:
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py
No colors specified
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] [--colors COLORS [COLORS ...]]
argparse recipe book
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--colors COLORS [COLORS ...]
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --colors
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] [--colors COLORS [COLORS ...]]
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: argument --colors: expected at least one argument
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --colors red
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --colors black brown red orange yellow green blue
Recipe 10:
<--get | --set | --clear>
Mutually exclusive boolean flags
Any one must be specified
Recipe in action:
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] (--get | --set | --clear)
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: one of the arguments --get --set --clear is required
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] (--get | --set | --clear)
argparse recipe book
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--get get the available stock quantity
--set set the available stock quantity
--clear clear the available stock quantity
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --set
get = False, set = True, clear = False
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --get
get = True, set = False, clear = False
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --clear
get = False, set = False, clear = True
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --get --clear
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] (--get | --set | --clear)
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: argument --clear: not allowed with argument --get
Recipe 11:
--opcode <get | set | clear>
--opcode is mandatory, and must be followed by one of 'get', 'set', or 'clear'
In other words, this is a different approach to achieve the same end behaviour
as recipe_10
Recipe in action:
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] --opcode {get,set,clear}
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: the following arguments are required: --opcode
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] --opcode {get,set,clear}
argparse recipe book
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--opcode {get,set,clear}
desired operation
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --opcode get
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --opcode put
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] --opcode {get,set,clear}
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: argument --opcode: invalid choice: 'put' (choose from 'get', 'set', 'clear')
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --opcode get set
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] --opcode {get,set,clear}
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: unrecognized arguments: set
Recipe 12:
--retries <1-10>
'--retries' is optional. If provided, must be followed by an integer argument from 1 to 10 inclusive.
Recipe in action:
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py
retries not specified
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] [--retries <attempts 1-10>]
argparse recipe book
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--retries <attempts (1-10)>
how many times to retry
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --retries
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] [--retries <attempts 1-10>]
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: argument --retries: expected one argument
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --retries 3
args.retries is of type "<class 'int'>", and has value 3
vnetman:mint:~> ./argparse_recipe_book.py --retries 30
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] [--retries <attempts 1-10>]
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: argument --retries: invalid choice: 30 (choose from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
vnetman:mint:~> # Note that when a value outside the range is specified, the error message prints out *all* the allowed values. This can be an issue when the range is large.
Recipe 13:
Multiple sub-commands, each with its own set of options
add --name <name> --age <age> --gender (male|female)
view [--males-only | --females-only] [--seniors | --no-seniors]
modify --id <id> --points <delta>
delete --id <id> [--force]
Recipe in action:
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] {add,view,modify,delete} ...
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: the following arguments are required: operation
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py -h
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] {add,view,modify,delete} ...
argparse recipe book
positional arguments:
Database record operation
add Add a new record
view View records
modify Change a record
delete Delete a record
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py add
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py add [-h] --name <name> --age <age> --gender {male,female}
argparse_recipe_book.py add: error: the following arguments are required: --name, --age, --gender
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py add --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py add [-h] --name <name> --age <age> --gender {male,female}
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--name <name>
--age <age>
--gender {male,female}
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py view --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py view [-h] [--males-only | --females-only] [--seniors | --no-seniors]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py modify --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py modify [-h] --id <id> --points <points>
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--id <id>
--points <points>
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py delete --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py delete [-h] --id <id> [--force]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--id <id>
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py add --name "harry"
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py add [-h] --name <name> --age <age> --gender {male,female}
argparse_recipe_book.py add: error: the following arguments are required: --age, --gender
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py add --name "harry" --age 12 --gender
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py add [-h] --name <name> --age <age> --gender {male,female}
argparse_recipe_book.py add: error: argument --gender: expected one argument
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py add --name "harry" --age 12 --gender male
Adding name "harry", age "12", gender "male"
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py view
Viewing records for all genders, all ages
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py view --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py view [-h] [--males-only | --females-only] [--seniors | --no-seniors]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py view --males-only
Viewing records for only males, all ages
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py modify
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py modify [-h] --id <id> --points <points>
argparse_recipe_book.py modify: error: the following arguments are required: --id, --points
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py modify --help
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py modify [-h] --id <id> --points <points>
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--id <id>
--points <points>
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py modify --id 101
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py modify [-h] --id <id> --points <points>
argparse_recipe_book.py modify: error: the following arguments are required: --points
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py modify --id 101 --points -20
Modifying record for ID 101, points = -20
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py remove
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py [-h] {add,view,modify,delete} ...
argparse_recipe_book.py: error: argument operation: invalid choice: 'remove' (choose from 'add', 'view', 'modify', 'delete')
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py delete
usage: argparse_recipe_book.py delete [-h] --id <id> [--force]
argparse_recipe_book.py delete: error: the following arguments are required: --id
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py delete --id 101
Deleting record for ID 101, force = False
vnetman@mint:~/work/argparse_recipe_book$ ./argparse_recipe_book.py delete --id 101 --force
Deleting record for ID 101, force = True